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KATIE LINDSEY has been utilizing her painting and drawing skills for many years. She grew up in Southern California attending Cal State University to obtain a teaching credential in Art Education.  Her work has been used in theatrical sets for the entertainment industry and sold to private collections. Throughout her life, Katie has made her living in several arts and furniture related industries. In the seventies, after obtaining a degree in Fine Arts she excelled in visual merchandising in interior design.  She worked for the Walt Disney Company, became leader of the Decorating Department at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California and was there for 20 years.


She said her first art awareness was in the 5th grade at Mulberry School.  “We had gone to the San Gabriel Mission and were asked to draw a picture while there.  I carefully drew what I saw and included a shadow from a palm tree that spilled down a wall, across the sidewalk and over the curb into the street.  This shadow identified the form; I was hooked on line, shadow and form from then on.”


​Katie’s style varies from photorealistic to impressionistic.  “My intent is to journalize my response to the subject in a way that shares my feelings with the viewer.”  Her main influences are Cal State professors Al Porter who encouraged freedom of form, George James who pushed unconventional use of color, also Marguerite Fletcher who taught the enjoyment of building colorful under layers for paintings. Artists she most admires are, Van Gogh, Caillabott, and Maxfield Parrish.




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